The Junior Firefighter Academy provides classroom and practical training to further participants’ knowledge, skills, and abilities in firefighting and emergency operations.
Goals of this Academy include:
Allowing youth to gain insight and interest in becoming long term members of emergency services.
Increasing awareness among youth about volunteering and supporting the fire and emergency services.
Providing departments with additional help in accomplishing non-firefighting or non-emergency tasks.
Developing leadership for America’s youth, who are tomorrow’s leaders.
Educating parents and mentors on the importance of encouraging volunteerism.
Some instructional topics to be covered include:
Fireground Operations
Portable Fire Extinguishers
Ground and Aerial Ladders
Leadership and Team-Building
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
Personal Protective Equipment
Vehicle Fires
Vehicle Extrication
Special Operations
Fire Apparatus
Forcible Entry
Urban/Rural Water Supply